Katowice Internationals Foundation

                                                                                                                                              CORONAVIRUS TEST IN KATOWICE

As the numbers of people who get sick from Coronavirus is constantly growing it could be helpful to know where to do a Covid test in Katowice and which are the procedures to undertake. 

                                                                                                                                                               When to do a test?  

First of all, if you feel unwell make sure that your symptoms are connected to the common ones related to Coronavirus infection (fever, cough, shortness of breath) but also: loss of taste/smell or both, headache, muscle pain or more serious ones like breathing problems or chest pain. 
You can sign up here for the test and see if your symptoms correspond to a Coronavirus infection: https://www.gov.pl/web/gov/zapisz-sie-na-test-na-koronawirusa
Otherwise, it is possible to do a Coronavirus test when in doubt and want to be sure that you are not infected and could not infect anyone around you. The National Health Found offers a specific hotline (800 190 590) that could clarify any doubts.  

                                                                                                                                                           Which type of test? 

Katowice offers the possibility to do different types of Coronavirus tests such us:  
SARS-CoV-2 smear by RT-PCR (Kościuszki 38, 40-048 Katowice) 
Katowice coronavirus test to detect SARS-Cov-2 antibodies (Piotrowicka 83, 40-724 Katowice, Kościuszki 38, 40-048 Katowice, Tysiąclecia 101, 40-875 Katowice) 
Katowice antigen test 
Bernarda Świerczyny 1, 41-400 Mysłowice) 

                                                                                                                                                    Free Coronavirus tests   

If you want to do a test for free you need a medical prescription from a primary care physician or with an order from GPC or from the sanitary inspection. 
An order is also available before entering structures like nursing homes, hospices or places concerning care and treatment facilities. 
Here you are some addresses in which you can go and do the test: 
-Independent Public Healthcare Center of the Ministry of Interior and Administration in Katowice, Głowackiego 10, 40-052 Katowice 
-FEMINA Kapuśniak Waleczek Medical Center, Kłodnicka 23, 40-703 Katowice 
-Diagnostyka Sp. z o. o. Silesia Region, Paderewskiego 32C, 40-282 Katowice 
-Gyncentrum Sp. z o. o. (point in Katowice) Tadeusza Kościuszki 229, 40-600 Katowice

            logo            logo            Badania Laboratoryjne – Zwolińscy Med           

                                                                                                                                                          Katowice Airport

Katowice AirportIf you are travelling from/to Katowice Airport, make sure you completed the health declaration questionnaire connected to the airline that will provide your flight.  If possible, do all the procedures that are essential to avoid the transmission of the virus: do the check-in from yourself bringing the electronic boarding pass, make sure that your temperature has been checked and immediately leave the airport when you arrive.  

In conclusion, is always recommendable to pay attention and cover your nose and mouth with appropriate face masks and keep 1.5-meter distance from others and wash your hands repeatedly in order to minimize the infection.